Robert Miller & Associates Returns to DuPage Area Engineers’ Week

Robert Miller & Associates Returns to DuPage Area Engineers’ Week

Sound Structures will once again be featured in DuPage Area Engineers’ Week (E-Week), an annual expo dedicated to introducing young students and parents to emerging tecnology within the engineering industry. Brian Dekker, the main presenter in previous years, will be giving the presentation “4,500 Years of Structural Engineering (In 30 Minutes)” an interactive presentation including the crowd-pleasing Lego shake table. For more information visit the DuPage E-week website.




Working with New York architects, INARCH, and Chicago architects, VOA, we have nearly completed the renovation of this building on Michigan Avenue. Our work includes modifying the façade, and relocating the elevators and escalators.


Providence Life Services

Providence Life

This project adds three assisted-living buildings designed by Van Ryn Architects to Providence Life Services’ existing community, Victorian Village. Located on a sloped lot, the rear of the two-story building will feature a walkout basement.

Project Engineers Thomas Mendez and Brian Dekker Present at NASCC

Project Engineers Thomas Mendez and Brian Dekker Present at NASCC

Project engineers Thomas Mendez and Brian Dekker will be in Pittsburg, PA to present in the annual  NASCC Steel conference on May 11th. Tom’s presentation, titled “Economy in Steel”, gives tips for a Structural Engineer of Record on economical methods of design of steel structures. His presentation emphasizes the strict scope of work of an engineer and the art of communicating information on project drawings. Brians presentation, “Growing Your Firm in Tough Times” outlines tips for increasing connections and work to grow a company during recession times. The annual conference will be from May 11th -14th and the presentations given by Tom and Brian will be available on the AISC website at the following link.

Robert Miller & Associates Featured in DuPage Area Engineers’ Week

Robert Miller & Associates Featured in DuPage Area Engineers’ Week

“According to the Daily Herald, between 1,200 and 1,500 people attended the DuPage Area Engineers’ Week expo last weekend at IIT West in Wheaton.  The expo featured a lecture entitled “5,000 Years of Structural Engineering in 30 Minutes,” presented by structural engineer Brian Dekker, P.E., principal at Robert Miller & Associates, a fie throughout history.  One of the interactive parts of the lecture involved children volunteering to put together a real masonry arch constructed with AAC (autoclaved aerated concrete) blocks provided by International Masonry Institute (IMI).  Miniature bricks were also used to illustrated buttressed construction and its resistance to wind loads. The session was Engineer's Week 1moderated by Larry Novak, P.E., president of the Portland Cement Association and lead structural engineer on the world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa, designed by SOM.” – International Masonry Institute



Near North Montessori School

Guided by SMNG-A Architects, we are working on the renovation of the existing facility and the addition of a gymnasium. The renovation includes the 1892 convent building and the 1927 Catholic school addition. The new gymnasium will feature a rooftop playground.

Brian Dekker Speaks at UIUC’s “CEE life in the Real World”

Brian Dekker Speaks at UIUC’s “CEE life in the Real World”

“About 100 CEE students gathered in the Newmark Crane Bay October 14 to hear alumni speak about their engineering careers during the department’s second annual “CEE Life in the Real World.” The event was introduced last year to give students more access to career information through exposure to practicing engineers. Attendees also got a chance to mingle with alumni informally over pizza and ask questions in breakout sessions.”- Civil and Environmental Department of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Website (link)


Ottawa Intermediate School

Ottawa Intermediate School

Construction has begun for this 97,000 sq ft school designed with GreenAssociates, Inc. Due to poor soil conditions, our foundation design utilizes rammed aggregate piers to improve the soil strength and stiffness.

Franciscan Point Phase II – Crown Point, IN

Franciscan Point Phase II – Crown Point, IN

RLMA is putting the final touches on the drawings and specifications for this 26,900 sq ft health care facility. We worked with the architect, Design Organization, Inc. to develop a fast track submittal for the foundations and structural steel. This will allow the contractor to complete the foundations before the ground freezes this winter.

Museum of Broadcast Communications – Chicago, IL

Museum of Broadcast Communications – Chicago, IL

Renovating this 70,000 sq ft parking structure into a museum was a unique challenge for RLMA and our client, Eckenhoff Saunders Architects. With a LEED Gold rating goal, this facility will house exhibits, the Radio Hall of Fame, a multimedia café, administrative offices, and multipurpose screening space.