Sound Structures Recieves Award of Merit for Hinsdale Modern Residence

Sound Structures Recieves Award of Merit for Hinsdale Modern Residence

Sound Structures received recognition from the Structural Engineers Association of Illinois once again for the design of Hinsdale Modern, a private residence in Hindale Illinois. The project, completed in collaboration with VOA architect group, features swedish modern design about a central courtyard and energy efficient installations. For more information on Hindale Modern, visit the VOA website at the following link.

Senior Project Engineer Brian Dekker Presents at NASCC

Senior Project Engineer Brian Dekker Presents at NASCC

Senior project engineer Brian Dekker will be in Orlando, Florida on May 13th- 15th presenting at the NASCC National Conference. His presentation, titled “Contract Documents: A Key to Economical Design”, details tips for any Structural Engineer of Record to efficiently prepare contract documents for projects where the engineer of record will choose between designing everything on a project or delegating design to a fabricator and their engineer. Brian’s presentation will be available to stream on the AISC website at the following link.

Daniel C. Macnamara Joins RLMA

DanDespite the economy, RLMA has doubled in size since last year. Our newest addition, Dan Macnamara joins us after one year of experience following a B.S. in Architecture, a Master of Architecture, and an M.S. in Civil Engineering, all from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Educare Addition – Chicago

Operating at capacity, this early childhood education facility is certainly in need of some additional space. Along with von Weise Associates, we are developing plans for a 10,000 sq ft addition featuring exposed steel roof joists and floor-to-ceiling windows

Lee Lumber – Chicago, IL

As part of the Community Renewable Energy Program, we are working with Tip-Top Builders to design a structural support system to install a wind turbine and solar panels on the roof of one of Lee Lumber’s existing facilities.

Portillo’s – Bolingbrook

Portillo’s – Bolingbrook

With twelve Chicago area Portillo’s under our belt, we are working on the design of their latest restaurant, in Bolingbrook, Illinois. Working with the architect, Mackin Associates, we have designed an economical structure that works with the structurally exposed style of this unique restaurant chain.

Sports Corner – Chicago, IL

Sports Corner – Chicago, IL

After exploring several renovation options, the owner and contractor decided to completely demolish and reconstruct this Wrigleyville landmark. The original foundation and basement remained, leaving us with the challenge of utilizing the existing foundation without exceeding the original loading.


ID Label – Lake Villa, IL

With just seven months to finish the design and construction of this 24,000 sq ft office/warehouse, we worked closely with the architect, Partners in Design, and the contractor, Principle Construction. We are happy to report that the building is on schedule for completion near the end of September.